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    2024-02-24 11:26:50   来源:其它    点击:   
    自考在线学习 +问答






      1. 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案写在答题纸上。

      2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔


      I. Word and Phrase Translation (20 points,1 point each)

      A.Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.

      1.biofuel 2.egg white

      3.air mass 4.liberalism

      5.gender equality 6.armed forces

      7.athletic disciplines 8.Special Drawing


      9.early warning system 10.voice recognition system

      B.Translate the following words and phrases into English.Write your translation on

      the Answer Sheet.

      11. 团购 12. 重工业

      13. 出境游 14. 华夏子孙

      15. 独立法人 16. “拳头 ”产品

      17. 调控措施 18. 民族认同

      19. 机场航站楼 20. 记者招待会

      II.Translation Revision(20 points,2 points each)

      A. Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences.Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet.


      原文: Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.



      21. 原文: His contribution to the museum is yet to be acknowledged by the committee.



      22. 原文:Always say “please”and try to remember some of the British bar staffs'pet hates.

      译文:要把“请”字挂在嘴边,并尽量记住英国酒保的宠物所厌恶的一些事。 改译:

      23. 原文:September flowers are less varied than those of May but so abundant that they make September another flowery month.

      译文:九月的花儿虽不及五月多姿多彩,然而却足以让九月成为又一个姹紫嫣红的 花季。


      24. 原文: When it comes to our development,siblings can be more

      influential than parents. 译文:就个人成长而言,兄弟姊妹对我们的影响比 父母的影响大。


      25. 原文:Many studies have shown that,when speaking with other people,how you speak

      matters far more than the words that actually come out of your mouth.

      译文:许多研究表明,与别人交谈时,怎么说远比从嘴里说出的词语重要。 改译:

      B.Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese

      sentences.Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet.



      译文: To write a preface to this collection of his essays gives

      me a great honor. 改 译 :I find it a great honor to write a

      preface to this collection of his essays.

      26. 原文:法律面前,人人平等。

      译文: Everyone is equal in front of the law.


      27. 原文:太阳的光在经过地球的大气层时会受到温度变化和空气中小颗粒的影响。

      译文: As sunlight passes through the Earth's atmosphere,they are

      affected by changes in

      temperatures as well as particles in the air.


      28. 原文:前天如果没下雨,我肯定会来看望您的。

      译文: I would have come to see you if it didn't rain the day

      before yesterday. 改译:

      29. 原文:恐惧会摧毁我们,而信念会把我们从所面临的危机中拯救出来。

      译文: Fear will ruin us,faith will save us from the crisis we

      are facing.


      30. 原文:1926 年,在德国柏林举行了国际乒乓球邀请赛,后被追认为第一届世界乒乓


      译文: In1926,the first international table tennis tournament was held in Berlin,Germany, where was later admitted as the first

      World Table Tennis Championship.


      II.Sentence Translation (20 points,2 points each)

      A.Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.

      31.Life is like a train ride.We get on.We ride.We get off.We get back

      on and ride some more.There are accidents and there are delays.At

      certain stops there are surprises. Some

      of these will translate into great moments of joy;some will result in profound sorrow.

      32.Niagara Falls is a spectacle of nature.The very mention of the name

      brings to mind great visions of immense volumes of

      plunging,thundering water. The noise of the falling water can be heard 30 kilometers away and,as you approach it,you can feel the

      ground shake under your feet.

      33. Cold smoking results in a food of high skill,high regard and high value. It is an idea

      income generator for fisher-families during leaner winter months

      when harsh weather frequently rolls in off the Atlantic Ocean,forcing

      small fishing boats to tie up and wait it


      34.Over the past three decades the number of students leaving

      home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of

      3.9 percent,from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5 million in 2004.Most

      travel from one developed nation to another,but the flow from

      developing tc

      developed countries is growing rapidly.

      35. We can view nature around us as a form of art,whether it be

      majestic mountain ranges the colorful diversity of flowers,and the blue shades of ocean water. When we see the picturesque varieties of

      nature around us,we cannot help but grab our camera to catch

      that moment.

      B.Translate the following underlined sentences into English.Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.

      36. 雾的轻重程度不同,有轻雾、重雾之分。水平能见度在1.0~10.0公里时称为轻雾, 水平能见度低于1.0公里时称为大雾,能见度在500米以下时称为浓雾。

      37. 夏季还需要防寒吗?答案是肯定的。 夏季炎热,为了凉快,人们吹空调、洗冷水澡。 这些操作可能会使人在不知不觉中着凉。

      38. 已经看得越来越清楚了,市场不是万能的,也有它的局限。因此,采取立法手段 或使用国家宏观调控手段,对涉及到国计民生的某些领域进行社会调节,就是非常


      39. 小时候,我常坐在山坡上,望着天地交界处那一发似有似无的蓝色发呆。梦想着 有 朝一 日,能越过那蓝色的边界,踏上未知与未来的起点。

      40. 出口商品必须有一流的品质、款式、包装和装潢, 但行之有效的广告宣传和促销活


      IV.Passage Translation (40 points,20 points each)

      A.Translate the following passage into Chinese.Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.


      On the surface,it may seem that The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is merely about boyhood. But throughout the novel,Tom slowly becomes more mature.At the start,Tom is engaged in carefree activities with his fiends,but as the story goes on,he faces tougher situations where he

      could face serious consequences.

      Like many of Mark Twain's other works,the author uses satire to mock the hypocrisy of society.In particular,he takes aim at social institutions and the behavior of adults.In addition, other elements in the story hold symbolic value.The storm that hits Tom and Huck on the island symbolizes Tom's conscience,which altemates between periods of peace and restlessness.The cave represents Tom's final test before he can become mature and enter society.The theme of misconduct also plays an important role,as the novel covers everything from skipping school to witnessing murder.The boys'minor wrongdoings give them a chance

      to rebel without challenging social order.

      B. Translate the following passage into English.Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.


      孔子 (Confucius) 和屈原是中华文化重要的代表人物。通常人们认为,孔子代表 一 种集体主义思想,而屈原则代表一种个人对理想的追求。

      现代人对孔子有着多种多样的看法。孔子被一些人誉为圣人,而在另一些人眼中, 他的思想阻碍了中国的发展。这两种观点都缺乏对孔子及其时代的了解。同样,当我们 认为屈原只是一个郁郁不得志的理想主义者时,我们也狭隘地判定了他的一生。









