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    2022-12-27 15:29:17   来源:其它    点击:   
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      I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)

      1. The Spring Festival and Christmas have been celebrated for more than one thousand years. This example demonstrates that

      A. culture is human specificB. culture is general and abstract

      C. culture is a national phenomenonD. culture is a historical phenomenon

      2. Which of the following key questions highlights the individual aspects of culture?

      A. What is your greatest ambition?

      B. What church may you join?

      C. What is the money system you use?

      D. What military organizations may you serve in?

      3. What is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes a message, in

      terms of ordering, focus, or emphasis, is called meaning.

      A. affective B. reflected

      C. thematic D.collocative

      4.In American English, the polite term for bathroom or toilet is

      A. chamber B. basement

      C. fitting room D. rest room

      5. a) It must be snowing, for it is so bright outside.


      The above pair of sentences shows the grammatical contrast between English and

      Chinese in

      A. grammatical morphemes B. subjects and objects

      C. paratactic and hypotactic relations D.recipients and modifiers

      6. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

      A.In English all prefixes are derivational morphemes.

      B.In English all suffixes are inflectional morphemes.

      C.Inflectional morphemes are also called grammatical morphemes.

      D. When inflectional morphemes are attached to words, they do not change the word

      class of the words.

      7. Among the various types of names, are inherited. A. given names B. surnames

      C. full names D. nicknames

      8. Which of the following is NOT a common greeting in English? A. How do you do? B. How are you?

      C. Where are you going? D. How is everything?

      9. Which of the following proverbs is derived from the Bible?

      A. Carry coals to Newcastle.B. Marry in May, repent always.

      C. Homer sometimes nods.D. Never cast your pearls before swine.

      10. The allusion“ ”can be used to refer to a cruel, greedy, money-grabbing person.

      A. a Romeo B. a Shylock

      C. a Don Juan D. an Uncle Tom

      11. A white night refers to a night.

      A. sad B. sweet

      C. happy D. sleepless

      12. The English equivalent for“古铜色”is“ ”.

      A. as brown as coffee B. as brown as copper

      C. as brown as a bear D. as brown as a berry

      13. Which of the following is the appropriate reply to“Your English is very good”'?

      A.No, I don't think so.B. You praised me too much.

      C. It's very kind of you to say so.D. Not really. It is actually very poor.

      14. Many in English are related to Christian religious names or terms. For example,

      “Jesus Christ!”

      A.euphemisms B. honourifics

      C. swear words D.terms of humility

      15. In deductive argumentation, the central information normally represented by the topic sentence the supporting information conveyed by supporting sentences.

      A. follows B. presents

      C.precedes D.proceeds

      16. A group of sentences that are juxtaposed in a(n) fashion can never be treated as a


      A. random B.logical

      C. orderly D.ordinary

      17. In documents there are many archaic words that are used rarely in other varieties

      of English, as“hereby”,“therein”,etc.

      A. scientific B. legal

      C. technical D. secretarial

      18. To many English speakers and scholars, the writing system is used only to represent the language,even though the writing system enables people to communicate through space and time.

      A.oral B. secondary

      C. old D. modern

      19. University students often leave their school bags on the classroom seats as a mark of


      A.exclusiveB. temporary

      C. permanenlD.temptable

      20. No matter where we communicate with others, we would like to keep a comfortable

      away from our interlocutors.

      A. seat B.privacy

      C. direction D.distance

      Ⅱ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There is more than one correct answer to each question. (10%)

      21. Which of the following are the important properties of language?

      A. Language is arbitrary.

      B. Language is systematic.

      C. Language is used for communication.

      D. Language is used by both humans and animals.

      22. Many English compounds and their equivalents in Chinese are formed differently, which can be illustrated by

      A.greenhouse vs温室B. breastpin vs胸针

      C. raincoat vs雨衣D. snakehead vs黑鱼

      23. In English, morphemes can be called grammatical morphemes. A. reflective B. inflectional

      C. derivational D.derogative

      24. What will a person in an English speaking country say when he or she receives a vase as

      a birthday gift?

      A. This is really what I want.

      B. This vase is very nice. I'll get some flowers for it.

      C. I've already got a vase like this.

      D. This vase is very nice, but I don't know where to put it.

      25. Which of the following are the features of idioms?

      A. Most idioms are easy to learn.

      B. Their patterns are often unusual.

      C. Their meanings are unpredictable.

      D. People can always tell the meaning of idioms from their forms.

      26. In which of the following sentences is the word“black”associated with negative


      A. Now every profession has of course got its black sheep.

      B. Since he became manager, the company has been running in the black.

      C. If your superiors take the same hopeless attitudes as you do, it will be a black day for

      your country.

      D. This letter is from your mother saying she agrees to your coming with me. Now we

      have it in black and white.

      27. Which of the following may be used as the euphemism for“poor”in official documents? A. needy B. penniless

      C.disadvantaged D.underprivileged

      28. It might be right to say that most English texts are developed linearly. And one may argue that the style is an important feature of many English texts.

      A.plain B. spiral

      C. flowery D. direct

      29.In educational or academic activities is given priority.

      A.creativeness B. routine

      C. originality D.tradition

      30. In English culture, touching or bodily contact between members of the opposite sex is

      than that between persons of the same sex.

      A.more acceptable B. more tolerable

      C. scarcer D.rarer




      Ⅲ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(20%)

      31. Language and culture is closely related, each influencing and the other.

      32. A collection of religious books comprising the Old Testament and New Testament is

      called the

      33. It is often said that English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese a language with grammar.

      34. The different responses to compliments between Chinese and Western cultures are

      connected to the contrast between individualism and

      35. The implied or indirect references, or , not only make language richer but also

      make communication vivid and easier.

      36. The English speaking people often associate“owls”with“ ”,not“misfortune” .

      37. The possible reason why an elderly Canadian professor feels offended by a china god of longevity as a birthday present is that he is sensitive to

      38. The speaker has available to him the whole range of language(voice qualities, facial expressions, postures, gestures, etc.).

      39. As a legendary creature, in English is often used metaphorically to refer to a formidably fierce and cruel person, especially a woman. However, it is associated with the emperor in Chinese history.

      40. As highly unintentional behaviors, are usually responses to boredom or stress-producing situations or responses closely related to negative feelings towards

      ourselves or someone else.

      IV.Answer the following questions briefly.(12%)

      41. What is thought?

      42. What culture-specific conceptual meaning do expressions“Niagara Falls”,“The May Flower”,and“Bible”convey respectively?

      43. What is the most salient feature of the headline in English newspaper reporting?

      44. What is proxemics?


      45. 他步履缓慢,好像一动就会引起疼痛。

      46. 真对不起,浪费了您这么多时间。

      47. 做无米之炊。

      48. He is not a man to act rashly.

      49. red blooded

      50. to be expecting(Note: Translate it with a Chinese euphemism.)

      VI. Discuss the following topics.(20%)

      51. Compare the following pair of sentences and illustrate how English and Chinese are different in sentence patterns.

      a) Those who want to go please sign their names here. b)要去的人请在这里签名。

      52. Use the following examples and discuss the similarities and differences between English and Chinese metaphors about ideas.

      (Examples:精神财富;旧思想死灰复燃; That idea won't sell; He has a wealth of










