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      I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(1%×30=30%)

      1. Functional words do not have notions of their own.Therefore, they are also called words.

      A.neutral B.empty C.notional D.free

      2. Of the following,“ ”is a native word in English.

      A.begin B.royal C.mount D. commence

      3. Of the following groups of words,“ ”does NOT show the slang use of a word. A.beaver—girl B.bear—police

      C. catch--talk to D.persona—mannerism

      4.After the Norman Conquest, the defeated English were reduced to the status of an inferior people and their native tongue was a despised language while became the polite speech.

      A.Latin B.Greek C.French D.Old English

      5.Which of the following is NOT true about Modern English?

      A. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.

      B. The introduction of printing into English marked the beginning of Modern English period.

      C. In modern times, borrowing brings less than ten percent of modern English vocabulary. D.The major factors that promote the growth of modern English vocabulary are advances

      in science and technology as well as influence of foreign cultures and languages.

      6. A is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity.

      A.morpheme B.root C.stem D.suffix

      7. Structurally, many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. For example, ex-prisoner can be broken down into

      A.ex-, pri-,son-,er B.ex-,pri-,so-, ner

      C.ex-,priso-, ner D.ex-,prison-, er

      8. There is/are monomorphemic word(s) in the following words: bird, feet, took, want,


      A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

      9. Of the following, the word“ ”has an inflectional affix.

      A. potatoes B.bloody C.subsea D. prewar

      10. Of the following, the word“ ”combines a suffix with a verb stem to create a noun denoting people.

      A.teenager B.employee C.slavery D. sportsmanship

      11. Flush is the combination of fl in the word flash and ush in the word blush.Such formation of new words is called

      A.blending B.clipping C.conversion D. acronymy

      12. Watt (measurement of electricity)is from Scottish inventor Watt, and china (porcelain)is from the homeland China. These examples show that some English words are from A.affixation B.borrowing C.trade names D. proper names

      13. The following words are onomatopoetically motivated words EXCEPT“ ”. A.ping-pong B.cuckoo C.puzzle D.tick-tuck

      14. In the sense of word meaning, meaning indicates the speaker's attitude towards the person or thing in question. It can be overtly and explicitly conveyed simply by the choice of the right words as many have emotive content in themselves.

      A.stylistic B. connotative C.affective D.collocative

      15. Black is a kind of color, but its meaning is obviously affected when it occurs in such

      phrases as black coffee, black market, etc.This example shows

      A. collocation can affect the meaning of words

      B. stylistic difference is especially true of synonyms

      C. affective meaning varies from individual to individual and from culture to culture D.grammatical meaning of a word becomes important only when it is used in actual


      16. In an English dictionary, it's easy to find words that have two or three senses, or even more.

      This is a common feature that is called

      A.polysemy B.homonymy C.synonymy D.antonymy

      17. The primary meaning of the word face is“ ”.

      A.the outward aspect B. the front of the head

      C.the functional and striking surface D. the type surface on which a letter is cut

      18. Of the following pairs,“ ”is homophones.


      B.sow v./sow n.

      C. bear(a large heavy animal)/bear(to put up with)

      D.sun /sum

      19.Fabulous began with the meaning of“based on a fable”,but later came to mean “incredible”,since the incredible were often found in fables.This process is called

      A.narrowing B.extension C.degradation D.elevation

      20. Which one of the following words is an example of transfer through association?

      A.tongue (in the phrase the tongue ofa bell)

      B.pitiful (full of pity → deserving pity)

      C.clear-sounding (from sight to hearing)

      D. hope(in the sentence The husband is the hope ofthe family.)

      21. Computer formerly meant“a person who computes”,but now comes to mean“an electronic machine” .Such change of meaning is due to

      A.class reason B.religious reason C.psychological reason D.historical reason

      22. In the sentence Sarcasm doesn't become you, the word become means“ ”. A. begin to be B.suit C.happen to D.follow

      23. Speaker:a student; Hearer:a set of students; Place: sitting around a coffee table in the

      refectory. John, one of the group, has just told a joke.Everyone laughs except Adam. Then Adam laughs.One of the students says:I do think Adam's quick.

      The word quick in the above context means“ 55

      A. slow B. backward

      C.quick to understand D.quick in developing

      24. Copernicus believed in a heliocentric universe,rather than in the geocentric theory.

      According to the context, the word heliocentric means“

      A. round B. flat

      C. with the sun as the center D.with the earth as the center

      25. Quite often an idiom functions as one word.For instance, the idiom keep in mind can be


      replaced by“

      A.think B.brain C.remember D.body

      26. Grammatically speaking, the idiom put down to is in nature.

      A.nominal B.verbal C.adjectival D.adverbial

      27. Of the following expressions,“ ”is NOT an idiom. A. by twos and threes B. tit for tat

      C.the lion's share D.in the question

      28. In the sense of variation of idioms, is NOT a form of changes in constituents of idioms.

      A.addition B.replacement C. position-shifting D.euphemism

      29. The following are all the advantages of a monolingual dictionary EXCEPT that A.learners can know the native equivalents to the words being learned

      B. learners can have an increasing exposure of the language

      C. learners can avoid the misunderstanding by translation

      D. learners can learn the precise meanings of words and usages

      30. The word dictionary is closely related to ,which deals with the same problems: the form, meaning, usage and origins of vocabulary units.

      A.ideology B. metonymy C. lexicology D.synonymy

      非 选 择 题 部 分



      Ⅱ. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions on theANSWER SHEET according to the course book.(1.5%×10=15%)

      31.A word is a(n) free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.

      32. The formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely roots, afixes and other elements, is called

      33. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to be

      34. The expansion of in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation.

      35. Words are but symbols, many of which have meaning only when they have acquired

      36. That ad(from advertisement) becomes the of add is a result from shortening.

      37. Silly used to mean“happy”and now means“foolish” .This process is called semantic

      38. As the name indicates, an unabridged dictionary is the one that is not

      39. Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences, which are peculiar to the language in question and loaded with the native and ideas.

      40. Context may prove extremely valuable in guessing the meanings of new words. Often we find that the author gives formal immediately after the new term, e.g. kinesics, the study of body movement.

      Ⅲ. Define the following terms on the ANSWER SHEET.(3%×5=15%)

      41. semantic change

      42. conversion

      43. relative synonyms

      44. lexical contexl

      45. phrasal verbs

      IV. Answer the following questions on the ANSWER SHEET.Your answers should be clear and short.(5%×4=20%)

      46. What is the difference between inflectional affixes and derivational affixes?

      47. What do the following short forms stand for?


      (2) ft




      48.For the following words, what are the superordinate terms and what are the subordinate terms?

      tulip, elephant, flower; lion, animal

      49.List at least five context clues for inference of word-meaning.

      V.Analyze and comment on the following on the ANSWER SHEET.(10%×2=20%)

      50. Take the following sentence as an example to explain grammatical meaning. The dog is chasing a cat.

      51. Comment on the differences between synonyms by analyzing the following groups.

      (1) work, toil

      (2) policeman, constable, bobby, cop









